Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I've heard if you don't write your resolutions down, they are just wishful thinking. Since I've never written any down and usually don't hold myself accountable to them, I thought this year I'd change that.

1. Write letters.
(I'd like to try and write more and text less. My handwriting has morphed into something that I can't read anymore and that's both embarrassing and confusing when you can't read the notes you left yourself.)
2. Leave the country.
(This isn't meant in any unpatriotic way, I just like to roam far when I do roam.)
3. Work out. 
(Isn't this everyone's? Ok, I'll be more specific: to look like that kid Taylor on Twilight. In human form obviously.)
4. Go to more live concerts.
(There is something so moving about live music and productions. I think the whole Ipod/digital music revolution has sterilized the connection that live music provides the soul.)
5. No more eating in my car. 
(I just can't do it anymore. My car has been a mess and I'm sick of it.)
6. Finish the studio.
7. Don't drive like an ass.
8. Enroll back in school and finish my degree.
9. Get published.
10. Work on my homeless project.
11. Maintain my blogs.
12. Host more workshops.
13. Watch a Photoshop lesson a week.
14. Don't get too busy to be inspired.
15. Get my chipped tooth fixed.
16. Wake up at 6 a.m.
17. Organize finances.
18. Buy a house.
19. See more professional sporting events.
20. Play more golf.
21. Lose 15 pounds.
22. Avoid places that charge ATM fees, or bring cash to these places.
23. Fill my change jar.
24. Read more.


  1. Wow, you have quite a list for yourself. Thankfully you have a whole year to complete it!! Take care!

  2. Thanks April. :) Take care of you and your family as well.

  3. Because of your example, I have a change jar. It's probably got a lot of the change that I had back in Chico. Thanks for that.



About Me

My photo
I've worked full time as a photographer in the Central Valley, CA since 2000. In December 2010 I closed the studio in Modesto and moved back up to the Chico area (where I'm originally from). I did this because the air in the valley had given me severe respiratory problems since 2006 and I'd gone undiagnosed until being treated at Stanford. The move was traumatic, as I had been in Modesto my entire professional career as a photographer. I now lecture, educate and continue to shoot people.